34 enterprises banned to bid for road construction projects

34 enterprises banned to bid for road construction projects

In details, the Document No 2017/BGTVT-CQLXD signed by the permanent vice minister Ngo Thinh Duc, approved the PMU 1’s proposal on forbidding four bidders of Hoang An JSC, Thang Long Consulting and Trading Construction Investment Joint Stock Co, Thang Long Trading and Construction Joint Stock Co, Vinashin Infrastructure Construction and Development JSC to join bids for WB funded projects under the management of PMU 1 within one year

Few days later, vice minister of traffic Nguyen Hong Truong released the documents punishing other four bidders namely Truc Ninh Construction JSC, Xuan Quang Construction KSC, Hong Quang Construction JSC, Song Anh Installation and Construction JSC for the alleged signals of violating in the bidding process of some construction packages under World Bank financed Rural Traffic Project 3 in Nam Dinh province

Also, the Department for State Expertise of Construction Work Quality announced the list of 34 other enterprises violating the bidding principles. 30 out of which joined the WB funded Rural Traffic Project 3 with the investor PMU 6 of Vietnam Road Department.

Among the bidding procurement of enterprises, there were many surprising details. For example, at the Bid Package RT3-17-04-01-1/1 of Nam Dinh province’s Binh Yen road section, there were five bidding applications. Through the expertise process, PMU6 detected the same mistakes in both bidding procurements of Truc Ninh Construction JSC and Xuan Quang Construction JSC.

According to Cao Van Hung, deputy general director of PMU6, the explanation of bidders about the similar was acceptable but the unit decided to propose Ministry of Traffic and Transport to forbid the bidding right of these companies in WB funded projects in order to ensure the bidding transparency.

Notably, 26 among 34 construction companies showing the same mistakes in bidding procurements for WB funded projects are located in remote, disadvantaged and mountainous areas.

The ban order will take effect as for the ministry’s projects and other projects of traffic departments in cities and provinces.