Bac Ninh aims to draw in $425m in FDI in 2011

Bac Ninh aims to draw in $425m in FDI in 2011

Since its re-establishment in 1997, the province has received 275 foreign direct investment (FDI) projects with combined registered capital of $2.91 billion. Of the total, integrated industrial parks in the province are home to 202 FDI projects, capitalised at $2.45 billion.

“With the above figures, Bac Ninh is in the list of leading cities and provinces nationwide in terms of FDI capital attraction,” said Ngo Sy Bich, vice director of the province’s Department of Planning and Investment.

In 2011, Bac Ninh authorities planned to target rich potential foreign investors to create a strong change in FDI inflows into the province, he noted.

“Bac Ninh always sees the importance of the FDI capital to its socio-economic development as well as industrialisation and modernisation. Over the past 10 years, the foreign-invested sector has affirmed its foothold, becoming an important part of the provincial economy,” Bich added.

Bac Ninh has attached special importance to FDI attraction to trans-national corporations.

“Most FDI in the world is from trans-national corporations. Thus, they are encouraged to implement large hi-tech projects and boost technology research and development centres tied to human resource training in the province,” Bich said.

In the years to come, the province is prioritising hi-tech industries projects, which help boost exports, creating jobs, developing supporting industry, projects on making products and services with high competitiveness and infrastructure development projects.

Bac Ninh will also encourage investment in tourism, healthcare, education and training, entertainment services, wholesale and retail, cultural activities, and bio-technology and food processing sectors.