BUSINESS Workshop on maximizing Vietnam’s wind resources to be held in HCMC

The workshop, jointly held by The US Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City and Vietnam’s Ministry of Industry and Trade, is an opportunity for Vietnamese government authorities and Vietnam’s wind power developers to engage the US government’s key developmental assistance agencies.
The event, the first of its kind on wind power development co-organized by the two governments, will be joined by US speakers who will highlight ongoing projects in Vietnam as well as provide insight on how Vietnam can leverage their resources.
They are the experts who are working for the US Agency for International Development (USAID), US Export Import Bank and the USTrade and Development Agency (USTDA)
Mr. Pham Trong Thuc, the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s Director of Renewable Energy, will be a keynote speaker from the Vietnam’s side.
The workshop will also feature industry experts in the field of wind development from both countries including senior speakers from GE and Black & Veatch, Mr. To Hoai Dan - chairman and CEO of Cong Ly Co – who will share his experience on wind farm development.
Cong Ly Co has 10 wind turbines in operation in the southern province of Bac Lieu with 52 on order from GE.
Meanwhile, Vietnam’s offshore wind construction will be discussed by Huy Hoang Transportation and Logistics, builders of the Bac Lieu Wind Farm.
The event will also pull together over 20 developers interested in establishing wind farms in Vietnam. In addition to this, a number ofprivate equity firms will attend, including a presentation on private equity financing for wind projects by Indochina Capital.
The event will close with a panel discussion on Vietnam’s incentive policies to stimulate wind power projects which will feature a number of experts with extensive experiences in developing wind projects in Vietnam and around the world.
Vietnams government has prioritized wind power to supplement the country’s energy supply as Vietnam is a country rich in wind resources. The country is beginning to tap its wind power potential with three operational wind projects that feed a small amount of electricity in to the national grid. The goal is to increase generation to reach 6,200MW by 2030. Currently, Vietnam has 50 wind power projects in 15 provinces. |