Businesses urged to actively join global supply chains

President Tran Dai Quang made the suggestion while receiving a delegation of businesses winning the national brand awards 2016 in Hanoi on November 30.
He spoke highly of national brand winners’ efforts to gradually improve their products’ prestige and trademarks, saying that they have increasingly confirmed their pioneering role in production and business, making significant contributions to the country’s socio-economic development.
According to the State leader, the extensive and intensive international integration and engagement in new-generation free trade agreements have opened up a new development horizon for Vietnam’s economy. However, it also poses a lot of difficulties and challenges for the country.
He called on businesses to push ahead with manufacturing activities and closely pursue values that the National Brand programme is targeting, while ensuring the quality of products via advanced production system and healthy financial capacity.
The President suggested promoting innovation, applying state-of-the-art science and technology to increase productivity and competitive edge as well as embracing connectivity and forming domestic and regional production value chains.
He asked the National Brand Council, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and relevant ministries and sectors to proactively remove difficulties for businesses, reform administrative procedures, and create a favourable business environment.