Chungsuk Engineering of Korea wants to build Saigon-Nha Trang expressway

Last week, the chair of Chungsuk, Hee Yong Chung met Vietnamese Traffic and Transport minister, Ho Nghia Dung, in Hanoi and gave the investment proposal seeking another investment opportunity.

Chungsuk was the consultant for the feasibility study of Hanoi-Vinh and HCM City-Nha Trang railway project in 2007 which had the financial support of Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).

The HCM City-Nha Trang twin expressway project that KOICA handed over to the Vietnamese Railway Department in March 2007 is designed to have the rail size of 1.435 metres (against the current size of 1 metre) and the length of 369 kilometres (shorter 43 kilometres compared with the current line).

With the train velocity of 200 kilometres an hour, the journey from HCM City to Nha Trang will be reduced to two hours from the current eight hours. Total expense for the expressway project is estimated at US$7.8 billion.

This is a part of Vietnam’s traffic and transportation development project until 2020.