Conference on improving the food ingredients value chain in Vietnam

This will mainly be local parties, i.e. exporters and BSO’s. Additionally, other stakeholders will be invited like (European) donor organizations and the Royal Dutch Embassy.
Besides the validation of a value chain research executed by the Royal Topical Institute of The Netherlands (KIT) in cooperation with local consultants from the Export Coaching and Training Centre from ITPC and corresponding discussion on the bottlenecks hampering the sectors sustainable development, we welcome your ample input on the establishment of an action plan, more specifically on the formulation of an Integrated Sustainable Food Ingredients Programme CBI plans to start up in 2012.
CBI is an agency of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The objective of CBI is to promote the import of products and services from developing countries to the EU.
For more information on CBI, I kindly refer you to our website ( Conference venue and location:
Investment and Trade Promotion Center of HCMC (ITPC)
92-96 Nguyen Hue Ave., District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Date and time: December 2, 2011 from 9.00 – 17.30.
Attached you will find the programme of the conference.
Please do not hesitate to contact me in case of any questions.
Please contact ITPC at Tel No.: (+84 8) 3910 4730 – 3823 6738 (Ext.: 303)