Cooperative alliance’s assembly to convene in Vietnam

Cooperative alliance’s assembly to convene in Vietnam

Under the theme of “Cooperative Advantage in the Economy of Asia and the Pacific”, the meeting aims to increase cooperation and the exchange of experiences amongst member countries, and to make recommendations to governments for favourable conditions to aid the sector’s development.

VCA Vice President Nguyen Xuan Hien, said at the press briefing that Vietnam, hosting the event for the first time, will organise an international trade fair specifically for cooperatives and small/medium enterprises (Vietnam SMECOOP) in Hanoi from Dec. 2-6.

The fair will feature approximately 400 booths, manned by cooperatives from 63 provinces and cities across Vietnam , plus regional member countries and other countries and territories.

Highlights at the event include special areas featuring fine arts and handicrafts, scientific and technological inventions, and farming products and machines.

In addition, the fair will introduce several products unique to Vietnam , including a giant conical hat measuring 1.8 m in height and 3.6 m in diameter, and a portrait of President Ho, measuring 1.6m x 1.2m and made entirely of gemstones.

During the fair, a series of festive cultural activities and seminars focusing on craft villages will also be held.

According to the VCA, there are currently approximately 18,000 cooperatives in the country, with half of them involved in agriculture. The remainder operate in the fields of industry, handicraft, construction, transport and credit activities.

VCA Vice President Hien added that hundreds of these cooperatives have affirmed their roles in providing support to farmers to help reduce poverty and develop production, giving a facelift to rural areas.

VCA became a member of the ICA in 1988.