Dong Nai FDI attraction hits 21.87 billion USD

Of the total, over 1,000 projects worth around 17.70 billion USD are being implemented in industrial parks (IPs), according to the provincial Department of Planning and Investment.

Dong Nai boasts 31 IPs covering 9,559 hectares, almost all of which have high-quality infrastructure facilities, enabling them to meet the demand of investors.

The majority of IP projects are in the services, support and mechanical spare parts industries and use environmentally-friendly and advanced technologies.

In recent years, local authorities have attached importance to improving the investment climate and reforming administrative procedures to facilitate the operations of investment projects in the province and draw more foreign investors.

The local IP management board plans to intensify investment promotion activities, attracting investment projects using high technology and manufacturing highly competitive products.

Dong Nai looks to attract 900 million USD in FDI capital in 2015, 400 million of which for new projects.