Enterprises voice complaints against local tax-customs agencies

Speaking at the dialogue on tax and customs policies held in HCMC over the weekend, some complained their local tax department did not accept bills without seals but the practice was already endorsed by the General Department of Taxation.

Others said the same product was imposed with different tax rates, illustrating that while Ba Ria – Vung Tau Tax Department imposed a 5% value added tax on grilled chopped fish and dried leather jacket fish, the HCMC Tax Department slapped 10% on the products.

On reply to the enterprises’ complaints at the dialogue, deputy minister of finance Do Hoang Anh Tuan said he would ask those local tax and customs departments with inaccurate interpretation of policies stipulated by the ministry to make changes.

He also asked enterprises to submit documents to the General Department of Customs or the General Department of Taxation for considerations and solutions while he reminded tax agencies to report to superior agencies as well as specialized ones if disagreeing with the declared information from enterprises so as to have accurate tax application.

Besides, representatives from enterprises proposed the authorities to change some irrational tax policies.

Import-export tariff on electricity generators is a typical example as the import tariff for the whole product was 10% while that of its components was up to 15%, which challenged enterprises who want to promote localization.

The regulation that processors can only have tax refunded unless they export all their products and they must pay tax if they sell the products locally hindered the cooperation between foreign and local enterprises and made enterprises incur high costs due to imports from foreign countries.

Tuan affirmed that the Ministry of Finance would have proposals and amendments to the tax law to make it more appropriate and transparent to both implementing agencies and taxpayers.