EU invests about $31b FDI in Vietnam

EU investors have been present at almost all important economic sectors of Vietnam, but most concentrated in industries and construction (accounting for 50.1 percent in the total number of FDI projects and 50.6 percent in the total pledged investment).

In which, heavy industry sector has lured 180 FDI projects capitalized at nearly $4.2 billion, and followed by oil and gas exploitation with 19 projects worth $2.5 billion. EU’s investments in the service sector accounted for about 40 percent in the total number of projects and 42 percent of total investment capital.

Vietnam – EU bilateral trade relations are progressing positively. Within 11 years from 2000 to 2011, the trade turnover between Vietnam and EU has increased 4.3 times from $4.1 billion in 2000 to $17.75 billion in 2010. Of which, Vietnam’s exports to EU posted a four-fold increase from $2.8 billion to $11 billion and Vietnam’s imports from the EU increased 4.89 times from $1.3 billion to $6.3 billion.

In recent four years, except for time of global financial crisis in 2009, the average annual growth reached 25 percent. Particularly in the first two months in 2011, the total export import turnover between Vietnam and EU reached $3.08 billion, up 28 percent over the same period last year.