First four months in 2010, attraction from foreign direct investment (FDI) reached U.S. $ 5.6 billion

The General Statistics Office said, "close" to data from early on 20-4, total direct investment from abroad into Vietnam reached nearly 5.6 billion dollarsNetherlands are the largest investors in four months, with only a capital project but have to be around 2.15 billion; followed by Japan with U.S. $ 1.047 billion and the third is the United States, with 961 million dollars.

According to the Bureau of Statistics, the number of investment projects abroad of Vietnam enterprises in the services sector and to new potential markets recently has tended to increase.

38 investment projects abroad new level of four months in 2010 with total investment of approximately $ 170 million not only encapsulated in the areas of "traditional" such as agriculture, mining, industrial crops, but also in areas such as construction services, online games, commercial and business center, restaurants, investment consulting, real estate business, etc.