Garment exporters aim high

The strategy on the garment and textile industry has development to 2015 and vision toward 2020 as its objective.
Under the plan, the industry’s export growth rates for 2010 will be at 20 percent. Figures for 2015 and 2020 are expected to be 15 percent.
The strategy aims for an export turnover of 18 billion USD by 2015. The estimate figure for 2020 is 25 billion USD.
All capital sources from domestic and international investors will be drawn on to meet the targets, said MoIT deputy minister Bui Xuan Khu.
More investment in raw materials and accessories to minimise the industry’s dependence on imports will be called for. This will help domestic production to meet 50, 60 and 70 percent of domestic demands on materials by 2010, 2015 and 2020, respectively.
The industry will be churning out roughly 490,000, 550,000 and 1.1 million tonnes of cotton and fibre by 2010, 2015 and 2020 respectively, under the strategy. Fabric will be produced at the level of 1 billion sq.m, 1.5 billion sq.m and 2 billion sq.m by the mentioned years.
The main supply centres for technology, designs, raw materials and accessories will be located in large cities, including Hanoi , HCM City , Da Nang and Can Tho, he said, so that materials can be provided in good time for garment businesses.
Production establishments already located in major cities will be moved out to neighbouring provinces of the above main supply centres, where garment industrial warehouses will be set up.
Training courses on production management, fabric design, skills analysis and sales techniques will be opened to develop human resources within the garment and textile industry.
The industry will supplement human resources development through its work with international organisations which will help to develop workers’ technical skills in Vietnam and abroad.
Relevant bodies will support garment and textile businesses with negotiation and the expansion of export markets. The bodies will advise businesses on how to avoid trade barriers applied by importing countries.
The overhaul of administrative procedures to simplify tax and customs requirements for garment and textile exporters will also form part of the strategy.