Japanese firm explores investment in Ha Nam

The company has four factories in Japan and plans to expand its production of rubber components to Vietnam , Director Goda Kengo said, adding that Ha Nam boasts good policy to attract investment, especially from Japanese businesses.
The locality also has a favourable geographical location and trade exchange with Hanoi, as well as with neighbouring cities and provinces. Therefore, the Japanese company is determined to build a factory there, he confirmed.
Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Vu Dai Thang said authorities plan to arrange an area of 6,000 square metres at Dong Van I Industrial Park in Duy Tien district for the company to build its factory.
He noted that the location has a good transport network and the necessary infrastructure, with scores of Japanese firms investing and operating effectively.
Local authorities pledged to create the best conditions for the company, as committed to for foreign investors, specifically handing over land for building accommodation for workers, exempting land lease costs during the first two years of investment, and granting a 50-year operating licence.
Goda Kengo hailed the local policies and hopes the province will facilitate the company’s investment.