Le Figaro hails Vietnam’s attractiveness

The French newspaper Le Figaro ran an article on November 11, citing an ABC survey regarding the business trends of commercial and industrial companies operating across Asia, reporting that China and India took first and second places in the survey, with the US in fourth place.
Asian investors no longer have confidence in the American market, the Hong Kong-based organisation said.
According to the newspaper, the proportion of ABC member businessmen investing in China fell from almost 80 percent in 2006, to 64 percent in 2007 and 61 percent in 2008. Meanwhile, the rate of businesses announcing investments in Vietnam during 2008 increased by 28 percent compared to the previous year’s figure.
Vietnam and India have continued to offer particularly attractive production costs, it added.
Established in 2001, the ABC conducts an annual survey regarding the business trends of industrial and commercial companies in Asia.