Long Hau Industrial Park attracts logistics services

Over 40 investors have entered Long Hau Industrial Park, occupying 80% of land in the park, with one-third of them being logistics service providers, Tran Tan Sy, customer service manager of Long Hau Joint Stock Co., said in a press briefing on Tuesday. Refrigeration warehouse is the major logistics service in the park so far, he said.

The industrial park is located conveniently around three kilometers from Saigon Premier Container Terminal expected to start operation in mid-2009. It is five kilometers from Saigon-Hiep Phuoc Port and 18 kilometers from the HCMC center.

In the first phase, Long Hau Industrial Park is developed on over 140 hectares with invested capital of VND420 billion. The company has plans to kick off the second phase in September on over 150 hectares with estimated cost of nearly VND400 billion.