New headquarters of ministries to be built in West Lake, Me Tri

New headquarters of ministries to be built in West Lake, Me Tri

The building of headquarters of ministries will be carried out in three phases. From now to 2014, site clearance and building technical infrastructure will be carried out in the west West Lake and Me Tri areas.

From 2015, the construction of headquarters of six ministries and a government agency will be implemented. After that, the headquarters of five other ministries and 5 state agencies will be built.

The Ministry of Construction also identified two areas that will host new headquarters – the west West Lake area with 27ha – for the offices of eight ministries.

In Me Tri, around 20-50ha of land will be devoted to the building of the headquarters of three ministries and 5 central agencies.

According to the Ministry of Construction, the funds for these projects will come from the state capital, including capital from the conversion of the old facilities, investment forms of BOT (build – operate – transfer), BT (build – transfer) and PPP and other sources of social capital.

According to statistics of the Ministry of Construction, 11 ministries, one government agency and five state agencies will have to be relocated in the future. Currently, there are 8 ministries, four ministry-level agencies, 7 government bodies and one central agency have been already relocated.