PVN opens lab to analyse domestic fuel


The facilities are part of a project that includes the construction of several manufacturing and support facilities spanning over 40,000sqm.
The analysis laboratory centre, located at Sài Gòn Hi-tech Park, is equipped with advanced facilities and software and is expected to analyse more than 90 per cent of the domestically produced fuel, thereby saving time and reducing delivery fees. 
VPI director Nguyễn Anh Đức said the work will help PVN and his institute master analysis engineering and laboratory equipment, thus promoting research, development and technology transfer. It will help improve international co-operation and link research, application and training. 
The centre will also help VPI develop a database of sample analysis results and provide information for PVN and others that will aid in the planning of policies and strategies, thus enhancing competitiveness, training capabilities and human resources for the sector. 
PVN’s deputy director general Nguyễn Quỳnh Lâm underlined the group’s focus on technological studies, application and innovation, and said this project would improve the institute’s research abilities, optimise its technologies, produce chemicals and petroleum and oil products and help protect the environment.
He urged VPI to use the facility to provide more scientific and technological solutions for stakeholders in the sector.
The group will continue to provide investment for the institute to implement its assignments, Lâm said.
In 2016, so far VPI has implemented more than 300 science-technology research contracts and carried out numerous sample analyses.