Seven new projects licensed in Dung Quat EZ

Seven new projects licensed in Dung Quat EZ

The Economic Zone has so far licensed 111 projects worth USD 7.6 billion (123,287 billion), of which USD4.1 billion has already been disbursed.

The Zone has also approved the investment plans for four new projects capitalised VND3,884 billion, bringing the number of investment plans approved to 28 with projected costs of USD2.7 billion (VND43,230 billion).

Six of the newly-licensed projects are currently in operation including the Dung Quat Oil refinery, the Doosan heavy industries and Construction Company, the Bach Hac welding rod factory, Hoang Gia and Binh Son service complexes and the Flowser service project.

The Zone has done well managing and supervising the projects, helping investor to complete all the necessary legal procedures, reporting problems to Quang Ngai provincial People’s Committee, and collaborating with Binh Son district authority to compensate displaced people and clear the ground. It has also revoked the licenses of 22 projects which were not properly carried out.