State President supports Quang Tri’s economic development plan

The State President delivered his approval during his working session with the provincial authorities on April 27, the second day of his two-day working visit to the province.

Quang Tri needs to make the best use of its advantages in geographical conditions and natural resources for future growth and should accelerate investment promotion and develop human resources to herald a new wave of investment, President Triet said. He advised the province to formulate mechanisms and policies that enable it to fully tap the economic potential of the Lao Bao special economic-commercial zone as it plays an extremely important role in the West-East Economic Corridor with ASEAN member countries.

The president also pointed to good prospects of gold and titan mining industry and rubber and coffee plantation in the province. Though trade and services account for 40% of economic structure, Quang Tri’s per capita income remains quite low, equivalent to 60% of the national average rate. At present, 17% of the province’s population, mainly ethnic minority people, still live under the poverty line.