TNK-BP to expand gas business in Vietnam

TNK-BP’s CEO said: "We have seen some positive signals about negotiating capacity with Vietnam colleagues in order to boost our partnership in this country”.
In 2012, TNK-BP has accomplished the procedures to buy assets of BP Vietnam. It has bought 35 percent of condensed gas of lot 06.1, 32.7 percent of total BP’s stake in Nam Con Son store’s pipelines and equipments and 33.3 percent of BP’s stake in the Phu My 3 hydropower plant.
TNK-BP and PetroVietnam Oil and Gas Group have signed a cooperating agreement in November, 2011. Accordingly, PetroVietnam will support TNK-BP’s oil shares in Vietnam gas market by the way of buying BP’s shares in lot of 06.1 and supporting TNK-BP’s plan of expanding the oil mining and gas processing in Vietnam.