Toxic waste piles up as collectors fail their duty

Tanning factories in the Nha Be District-based Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park, for instance, are unable to get rid of the large amount of toxic waste they produce during their manufacturing process. Tan Thuan Export-Processing Zone management board in District 7 has complained about the Urban Environment Company’s abrupt stoppage which is causing waste to pile up.

To solve the problem, the board has asked the HCM City Export and Processing Zones Administration (Hepza) and the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to let it install incinerators to burn garbage. But Hepza said incinerators were not approved under the city’s zoning plans, adding that all industrial waste should be collected, transported and treated properly. Last February, the Urban Environment Company promised to collect all the waste accumulated at the two zones but has failed to do so. Hepza said all the involved parties would soon get together to solve the problem.