Vietnam, Chile enhance multifaceted cooperation

Vietnam, Chile enhance multifaceted cooperation

An official welcoming ceremony for State President Nguyen Minh Triet was held in Santiago on September 30 in the presence of his Chilean counterpart Michelle Bachelet. Immediately after the ceremony, the two State leaders held talks.

The Chilean President said that Mr Triet’s visit would contribute to lifting the level of friendship and cooperation between Chile and Vietnam to a higher plane.

President Triet said that he was delighted to visit to Chile, which he said, would help to promote multifaceted cooperation between Vietnam and Chile.

Both host and guest expressed their determination to boost bilateral cooperation in trade and investment and implement a joint statement towards a comprehensive partnership between Vietnam and Chile, signed during Party leader Nong Duc Manh’s visit to Chile in May 2007.

On the occasion, members from the two delegations briefed each other on recent developments in their respective countries and discussed measures to strengthen the time-honoured friendship and cooperation as well as other issues of mutual concern.

After the talks, the two State leaders met with Vietnamese, Chilean and international reporters. Mrs Bachelet said that Chile regards Vietnam as dynamically developed economy and both countries will share their experiences in reducing poverty and dealing with social affairs, therefore, Chile also wants to sign a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Vietnam.

Both parties are finalising the signing of the FTA which will lift trade and economic ties and realize both their potentials. They agreed to promote agricultural cooperation and other areas of mutual concern. The signing of cooperative agreements by the two Chambers of Commerce and Industry will also contribute to encouraging economic ties between the two countries, said Mrs Bachelet.

The Chilean President also hoped that Vietnam will consider joining the trans-Asia Pacific free trade area while calling on both countries to boost cooperation in culture in the run up to the 65th anniversary of Vietnam’s National Day in 2010, the 1000th anniversary of the Thang Long-Hanoi and the 200th anniversary of Chile’s Independence.

Mr Triet thanked Chile for its valuable support to the Vietnamese people in their struggle for national liberalisation and construction.

Chile is one of South America’s leading countries, therefore, Vietnam wants to boost comprehensive cooperation. Both countries can cooperate in various areas such as agriculture, mining, fisheries and tourism and are determined to sign the FTA before the end of the Chilean President’s term of office, said Mr Triet.

Prior to the welcoming ceremony, President Triet laid a wreath at the monument of Chile’s national hero, Bernardo Ohinggis.