Vietnam, Czech seek economic cooperation among localities

Ambassador Truong Manh Son had a working session with three Vice Governors of Karlovy Vary on December 22 to discuss measures to promote cooperation in trade, investment and tourism between localities of the two countries. 
The Ambassador said the embassy is willing to act as a bridge to connect Karlovy Vary and Vietnamese localities.
Vice Governor Martin Hurajcik highlighted the traditional friendship between Czech and Vietnam, which needs consolidation through win-win economic affiliations, including those at local level. 
A Memorandum of Understanding on the agreement reached at the working session will be officially signed by the Vietnamese Ambassador and the Governor of Karlovy Vary early next year.
Karlovy Vary, over 100 km from Prague, has a population of nearly 300,000 people. The province’s strengths include tourism, mining, machinery and chemicals.
More than 5,000 Vietnamese are living in the province.