Vietnam seeks cooperation with Russia’s Far East region


Vietnam a priority in Russian Far East development Russian Far Eastern tourists arrive in Nha Trang and Phan Thiet A working session on September 4 between Minister Vu Huy Hoang and Russian Minister of Energy Aleksandr Novak focused on cooperation in the energy field, especially in oil and gas development, coal supply and thermal power projects in Vietnam.

The two sides concurred that energy links will continue to be one of the most important fields in economic cooperation between Russia and Vietnam.

During his meeting with Primorye regional Governor Vladimir Miklushevsky on September 5, Minister Hoang affirmed that there is a great potential for the two countries to bolster their connections, especially between Vietnam and the Far East region of Russia.
Vietnam sees cooperation possibilities in energy, wood processing, garments, agriculture and the export of farm products, he said.

Hoang emphasised the role played by the Vladivostok sea port in serving export goods transport between the two countries, saying that he hopes Primorye region authorities will facilitate Vietnamese investment in the region.

For his part, Miklushevsky said apart from its abundant natural resources, the Far East’s authorities are offering incentives to facilitate cooperation among domestic and foreign investors.

He stressed the region is focusing on developing its light industry, wood processing and agriculture while inviting Vietnamese enterprises to join special economic zones in Primorye.

During their stay in Russia, the Vietnamese delegation also had meetings with other Russian senior officials to discuss favourable conditions for Vietnamese enterprises to join priority investment projects in Russia and the region as a whole.