Vietnamese firms invest over $24.5b in foreign countries as of July-end

Of which, the investment capital of Vietnamese investors exceeded $10.7 billion and chartered capital of Vietnamese investors also reached approximately $10 billion.

They mainly invested in mining sector with about $17 billion, of which, Vietnamese investors poured over $4.3 billion and chartered capital of over $3.7 billion.

Ranking in the second position is production and distribution sector of electricity, gas, water and air-conditioner with over $2.1 billion dong but investment capital of Vietnamese investors accounted for nearly $1.9 billion and chartered capital of nearly $1.7 billion.

Sectors of agriculture, forestry and fisheries also have many overseas investment projects with a total registered capital of over $1.4 billion, including over $1.33 billion of Vietnamese investors’ investment capital.

Laos, Cambodia, Venezuela and Russia are four leading destinations for investment flow from Vietnam with registered capital of exceeding $1 billion. Of which, Venezuela attracted the biggest volume of investment capital with over $12.4 billion.