Vietnam’s top ten events in 2008

1. Combating inflation and stabilizing the macro-economy

Vietnam successfully curbed inflation, stabilized the macro-economy and maintained a high economic growth rate of over 6.7 percent. The Government mapped out an eight -solution package to reduce the negative impact of the global financial crisis and the world’s economic downturn and continued to focus efforts on five key measures to prevent the domestic economic slowdown.

2. Approving resolutions on building the working class, intellectuals and rural development

Vietnam reaped another bumper rice harvest this year

The 6th and 7th conferences of the Party Central Committee (the 10th tenure) adopted a resolution on building the working class and intellectuals and promoting the participation of young people in the nation’s modernization, industrialization and international economic integration process.

In particular, a resolution was issued, regarding issues relating to agriculture, farmers and rural development. The resolution affirmed the strategic role of agriculture, farmers and rural development in boosting the process of national industrialization and modernization. The Government also implemented an action plan responding to the Party Central Committee’s Resolution No.7 on agriculture, farmers and rural development.

3. Expanding Hanoi’s administrative boundaries

More high-rise buildings are taking shape in Hanoi

Participants at the 3rd session of the 12th National Assembly decided to expand Hanoi’s administrative boundary by merging Hanoi, Ha Tay province, part of Luong Son district of Hoa Binh province and Me Linh district of Vinh Phuc province.

This is a significant event for Hanoi in particular and the whole country in general on the occasion of the celebration of the 1,000th Thang Long-Hanoi anniversary.

The expansion of Hanoi aims to help the capital city achieve rapid and sustainable development and become the “heart” of the country and the nation’s centre of politics, culture, socio-economic development, education, sci-technology, as well as international exchange.

4. Holding the presidency of the UN Security Council

Ambassador Le Luong Minh chaired a UNSC session in New York

Vietnam was selected to hold the presidency of the United Nations Security Council from July 1-31.The country successfully resolved international issues in order to ensure the world’s peace and security and received great applause from the international community.

5. Attracting over US$60 billion in FDI

The property market attracted a large volume of FDI this year

Vietnam attracted more than US$60 billion in foreign direct investment (FDI), the highest figure so far. Of the sum, over US$10 billion was disbursed, affirming investors’ belief in the stability and potential of the Vietnamese market in spite of a reduction in the world’s investment sources.

At the recent Consultative Group (CG) meeting in Hanoi, the international community pledged to donate more than US$5 billion in official development assistance (ODA) for Vietnam in 2009.

6. Successfully launching VINASAT 1 satellite

French rocket Ariane 5 left the launching pad, carrying Vinasat into orbit
Vietnam’s first commercial telecommunications satellite VINASAT 1 was launched at 22:16 (universal time) on April 18, 2008.

The satellite launch represents the country’s increasing position and asserts its sovereignty in airspace. With VINASAT 1, Vietnam became the 93rd country in the world and 6th in Southeast Asia to have its own satellite in orbit.

7. Enduring sudden epidemics and natural disasters

Historic flooding paralysed the traffic system for several days

Natural disasters and epidemics caused numerous difficulties for production activities and people’s daily lives in most provinces and cities of Vietnam.

Material losses caused by calamities were estimated at more than VND15,000 billion. In particular, historic torrential rains hit Hanoi and the northern provinces, resulting in serious flooding in the capital city for many days.

8. Detecting serious cases of environmental pollution

The Thi Vai river was seriously polluted by waste from Vedan Ltd. Co

Vedan Ltd. Co. in the southern province of Dong Nai was caught releasing a large volume of untreated waste water into the Thi Vai river, causing great damage to production and the living conditions of people living along the river. This has raised alarm in terms of environmental protection – one of three key factors in ensuring sustainable economic development.

9. Organising UN Day of Vesak

More than 600 Buddhist delegations attended Vesak 2008 in Vietnam

The 2008 United Nations Day of Vesak took place in Hanoi under the theme “Buddhism and equal, democratic, civilized society”. More than 600 Buddhist delegations and 5,000 delegates attended the event.

10. Hosting Miss Universe Contest for the first time

Nha Trang City welcomed more than 80 beauty queens around the globe  for Miss Universe Contest ’08
More than 80 of the most beautiful girls from around the globe gathered in Nha Trang city to take part in the 2008 Miss Universe pageant.

In 2008, many beauty pageants were held, though organizational mishandling resulted in many unfortunate problems and missed opportunities.


The Government’s solutions to stabilise the macro-economy is taking effect