Vingroup wins Finance Asia’s Best Vietnam Deal award

Vingroup wins Finance Asia’s Best Vietnam Deal award

Vingroup CEO Le Thi Thu Thuy said that this award was an international certificate recognising the company’s potential for growth and improving the confidence of foreign investors in the future of the company.

She added that the award was a momentum that would drive the company towards sustainable development.

Vingroup’s latest five-year convertible bond was launched with a base size of US$150 million, but upsized to US$185 million following strong demand from more than 20 investors.

The bonds traded slightly below par in the first few months after pricing, despite a slight gain in the share price, but bookrunner Credit Suisse managed to find enough demand for the company to sell a further US$115 million of convertible bonds through a tap in late June, bringing the total issue to US$300 million.

In November, Vingroup also received the 2012 Southeast Asia Property Awards in the Best Developer (Vietnam) and Best Villa (Vietnam) categories, at a ceremony in Singapore and the Best Retail Developer Award in Vietnam by the Euromoney magazine.

In addition, Vingroup won the Triple A Award in the Best Vietnam Deal category, presented by The Asset for its US$300 million convertible bond deal.

Vingroup is a leading property developer in Vietnam with a wide range of products including commercial centres, premium apartments, entertainment complexes and hospitality and medical services.