Electricity sector expects 12.5 percent rise in output
Of the total, 57.44 billion kWh will be produced by the Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) subsidiary plants and 25.8 billion kWh will be purchased from plants under the auspices of other conglomerates, such as the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group and the Vietnam National Coal and Mineral Industries Group.
Electricity sales are expected to increase by 13.6 percent next year to 74.9 billion kWh.
To achieve the target, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has asked EVN to accelerate the construction of a number of thermo-electric and hydro-electric power plants, such as Cam Pha, Hai Phong, O Mon, Quang Ninh, Cua Dat, Song Con, Se San 4 and An Khe-Kanak.
The ministry also requested that EVN take measures to reduce electricity loss and boost electricity saving in daily use and production.
In 2008, Vietnam ’s electricity output increased by 10.8 percent and its sales rose 12.8 percent compared with the previous year.