Rank the coal mines in the Red River Delta

At the seminar, Dr. Nguyen Van Nguyen, Deputy Chief Union of Confederation Intergo (Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam) said that the scheme is expected to be deployed from January-2010 to December-2013 with 5 period. First is to drill in the 782km ² area in Khoai Chau (Hung Yen). Apart from brown coal resource assessment, the Scheme also identify potential gas, construction materials, mineral water - hot water, etc.

According to vice minister Nguyen Xuan Cuong, the project to investigate overall coal mines the Red River Delta and surrounding regions is one of the largest project of investigation ever, with an area of extensive investigation 2.765km ² to the administrative boundaries of six Red River Delta provinces. Coal reserves of the tank is estimated up to more than 200 billion tons of quality coal can be used for thermal power.