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Select capital channel

Production credit slow growth

In the context of the economy is difficult, considering the enterprises use bank loans is inevitable. However, by removing the ceiling interest rates, banks are in a position to implement policies to reduce interest rates for loyal customers, as an opportunity for enterprises to access lower loans. Pham Duy Hung, general director of VietABank, identified this interest with its manufacturing business, business to meet the credit eligibility will boldly approach the loan. VietABank this year established a separate department to search for the target customers have access to large enterprises, especially exporters of aquaculture products, food, etc. However, Mr Hung concedes to collect loans to enterprises, foreign policy low interest rates, banks also need to have the charges preferred in international payments. Because most businesses have"reserve" banks is the big banks with cheap credit against the ground as small as VietABank.

Mr. Do Minh Toan, deputy director of ACB, said that when the ground lending rates were lowered, the problem is very important today’s lending business has increased or not. In fact, the market’s purchasing power has not increased much, so the credit in the first months of operation mainly from trade in services is key, but credit has not increased much production"In the first quarter of credit in export sectors of the ACB increased mainly due to rice export reached about 1,000 billion VND. Starting from the second quarter and 2010 III-speculative activities of raw materials for production of the enterprises will increase, especially in the field of steel, plastic resins. Particularly with export activities and sectors such as coffee, aquaculture products will also be entered for the purchase of materials for production. Currently businesses should borrow foreign currency revenues in dollars. But in order to avoid risks, enterprises need to closely monitor market performance as necessary to be able to borrow in USD, because banks have now implemented product transition "- Mr. Toan said.

Export credit priority

Currently, many businesses need to propose priority banks use credit incentives for export enterprises and spend foreign currency loans to exporters to import raw materials, machinery and equipment for domestic production. Indeed today most businesses, said this year the credit will be given priority in this area is key. As a leader of HDBank, the current interest rate agreements, banks are only allowed to loan agreement for the project effectively, with strict conditions, the project will not be inefficient lending. Currently HDBank have preferential policies on interest rates, mode of payment of principal and interest on the loan is flexible and up to 85% financing of total investment capital of legitimate business, ensuring timely supply loans time for business.

As a vice president of a shares bank, banks from September 5-2010 will promote credit business in the State sector are encouraged to develop as exports, agriculture and rural areas. Currently banks are coordinating with the central and western provinces to organize workshops to support enterprises to access capital more easily. Lending rate will be the key to compete in this field. However, to offset the reduced interest rates in the priority areas, many small banks will admit at least 70% increase in proportion to ensure that the interest rate difference in output per capita minimum 4 % / year. For these priority areas are low interest loans, banks will make the sale comes as credit services for customers. This will include the contents of banks service use banks became mandatory conditions when setting up credit relationship with customers.