Vietnam, Azerbaijan boost energy cooperation

A Vietnam-Azerbaijan energy workshop was held in Hanoi on November 25 to promote connection between the two countries in the field.

The event was jointly held by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and the Azerbaijani Embassy in Hanoi .

VCCI Secretary General Pham Thi Thu Hang said that the workshop offers a good chance for Vietnamese businesses to access Azerbaijan ’s advanced technologies, expand partnerships and seek new energy sources.

According to Azerbaijani Ambassador to Vietnam Anar Imanov, Azerbaijan is willing to cooperate with and assist Vietnam in developing its energy industry. 

It is high time for the two countries to set up new partnerships, speed up existing projects and discuss new ones, he said, calling upon businesses to catch this opportunity to join hands in developing the energy industry. 

Deputy General Director of the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group Nguyen Vu Truong Son said that Vietnam is waiting for Azerbaijan ’s collaboration in oil and gas exploration and exploitation, and Azerbaijani investment will help develop energy projects in Vietnam .

According to VCCI, two-way trade between the two countries exceeded 325 million USD in 2013, a tenfold increase compared to the previous year.

Vietnam mostly shipped mobile phones and spare parts, aquatic products, and grains to Azerbaijan while importing crude oil and gasoline from this market.