Vietnam, UK seek ways to deepen economic ties

The granting of Vietnamese entry visas to UK trade representatives, financial transparency, taxation of the leasing and exploitation of mines, and import duties imposed on alcohol were high on the agenda of the meeting. 
The Vietnamese delegation, led by Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Le Danh Vinh, also updated the UK officials on the latest information regarding Vietnam ’s implementation of its WTO commitments. 
Chief Executive of UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) Andrew Cahn expressed his hope that the two countries will work together closely to remove trade barriers. 
According to a recent report by UKTI, Vietnam is considered the world’s most attractive emerging market by business leaders, and suffers the least from the effects of the current global financial crisis. 
JETCO was established in September 2007 to promote trade and create a favourable business environment for both Vietnamese and UK enterprises. 
JETCO’s most noticeable success so far has been its move to help HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank become the first totally foreign-owned banks to operate in Vietnam.